Alexander Cummings Considers Charlyne Brumskine as Running Mate

Introduction: Speculations are circulating that Alexander Cummings, the presidential candidate of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), may announce Charlyne Brumskine as his running mate for the upcoming October 10 elections in Liberia. As the daughter of the late veteran politician and founder of the Liberty Party, Charles Walker Brumskine, Charlyne Brumskine brings her own legal expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to the table. In this blog post, we explore the potential significance of this pairing and its implications for the upcoming elections. 


  1. Continuing a Political Legacy: Charlyne Brumskine's potential candidacy as the vice-presidential candidate alongside Alexander Cummings not only carries on her late father's legacy but also highlights her own capabilities as a lawyer and enterprising woman. Her father's strong political presence and previous achievements in Liberia's postwar elections have laid the foundation for her potential impact. 
  2. A Trailblazing Opportunity: If Charlyne Brumskine accepts the nomination, she would become one of the few females to contest for the vice presidency on the ticket of a major opposition party in Liberia. Her presence on the ticket could appeal to two significant voter categories: the youth and women, as she represents a young professional woman entering the political arena. 
  3. Trust in Her Abilities: Those familiar with Charlyne Brumskine commend her for her firebrand personality and high-achiever persona. She is expected to fight for causes that resonate with a wide range of Liberian citizens. Her success in scoring the highest mark on last year's Supreme Court bar exam demonstrates her preparedness to carry on her father's professional legacy. 
  4. Delayed Announcement: The announcement of Brumskine as Cummings' running mate was initially expected to take place at the CPP convention in Ganta, Nimba County. However, constitutional requirements within the Alternative National Congress, a constituent party within the CPP, necessitated that the announcement be made in the nominee's county of origin. Therefore, the official announcement is now anticipated to take place in Brumskine's home county. 
  5. Political Dynamics and Reactions: Cummings' choice of Brumskine comes after Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence turned down his offer and endorsed the Boakai-Koung ticket. This move has resulted in intensified tensions within the Liberty Party, with Chairperson Musa Bility challenging Lawrence's actions. The Liberty Party's internal divisions add an intriguing layer to the political landscape. 

Conclusion: The potential nomination of Charlyne Brumskine as Alexander Cummings' running mate presents an opportunity to build upon her late father's political legacy and demonstrate her own capabilities as a lawyer and entrepreneur. If she accepts the nomination, Brumskine could play a crucial role in attracting the support of the youth and women, two essential voter categories. The upcoming announcement will provide further insights into the dynamics and prospects of the CPP's campaign for the October 10 elections. 

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