Canada Announces Ambitious Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026


Canada has just unveiled its Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026, aiming to welcome a significant number of new immigrants to support economic growth and address labor shortages. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

Key Targets and Breakdown

  • 2024 Target: 485,000 new immigrants
  • 2025 & 2026 Target: 500,000 new immigrants each year

Immigration Classes

  • Economic Class: Aiming to admit 281,135 immigrants in 2024 (58% of the total) and 301,250 by 2026 (60% of the total).
  • Family Class: Targeting 114,000 immigrants in 2024, increasing to 118,000 by 2026.
  • Humanitarian Admissions: 89,865 immigrants in 2024, decreasing to 80,832 by 2026.

Express Entry and PNP Growth

  • Express Entry: 110,700 admissions in 2024, rising to 117,500 by 2025 and 2026.
  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): 110,000 in 2024, growing to 120,000 in 2025 and 2026.

Spousal, Partner, and Children Sponsorship

  • 2024 Target: 82,000 admissions, increasing to 84,000 in 2025 and 2026.
  • Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP): 32,000 admissions in 2024, rising to 34,000 in 2025 and 2026.

Government's Approach

The Canadian government explains that these targets are set to support economic growth while balancing pressures in areas like housing, healthcare, and infrastructure. By 2026, the government aims to stabilize permanent resident levels at 500,000 per year, ensuring successful integration and continuing to augment the labor market.

Quebec's Plan

Quebec also announced its own plan to welcome 50,000 new immigrants annually in 2024 and 2025, aiming to preserve its distinct francophone character.

Opportunities for Liberians

This is an excellent opportunity for people from Liberia to explore immigration to Canada, whether through economic programs, family sponsorship, or humanitarian pathways. For personalized assistance and to ensure a successful application process, contact Canadian Dreams Relocation.


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